Our Management Committee

The Preschool is a community-based preschool – a non-profit organisation run by a volunteer Management Committee which is made up of parents of children attending the centre, and sometimes includes interested community members. The Management Committee consists of four office-bearers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) and a number of general members. All of these people are elected at an Annual General Meeting in August.

Meetings are held (unless otherwise advised) at 4:00 pm once a term at the preschool, and a trained educator will be available to play with your children while the meeting is on.

By law community preschools cannot operate without such a committee so it is vital that parents be involved either on the Committee or by attending the General Meetings. You do not need to be a Committee Member to attend meetings. Meetings are held every month, and ALL parents are encouraged to attend. Each family is required to become a Member of the Association (the small payment is included in your enrolment fee) and this gives you voting rights.

The 2021/2022 Committee is made up of the following office-bearers:

President: Morgan Starkey

Vice President: Amanda Dykes

Secretary: Morgan Starkey

Treasurer: Tammi MacNeill

General Committee Members: Brooke Cluff